village employment conditions
We have been talking about the problem of unemployment for more than 30 years without really finding an adequate solution to solve it: subsidized jobs, reform of unemployment benefits, new vocational training policy, aid to employers with reduced charges. some politicians have even gone so far as to assert that everything has been tried for unemployment. All ? Probably not. You just have to see what the Employment Village has been able to create in its specific universe of IT and new technologies. In just over 20 years, the Employment Village has established itself as a disruptive and innovative device to counter the unemployment of young graduates. By analyzing the market for IT work, the founders of the village noticed that this market was suffering from the supply side as well as from the demand side. It was therefore possible to find ways to bring these two sides together: companies in the High-Tech sector had vacancies, often in large numbers, but could not find the right skills to fill them. On the other side of the equation, many young graduates leave their university studies with a diploma or a qualification that does not prepare them for the professions that companies need. There is therefore a shortage for both job seekers and job providers. A shame that finds its roots in the mismatch between traditional university training, based on ancient theoretical knowledge, and the business professions of today. It must be said that the university has always been wary of the private sector and the influence it could have, via its funding for example, on the content and organization of university training. Our decision-makers only forget to say that most university students are not going to research and will need to make the leap to the world of employment after their training. And today, it is happening through a great leap into the unknown.

The observation of a breathless and disconnected education system
The IT world has been growing steadily since 2000, with the arrival of new languages, new tools and new uses, until the development in recent years of e-commerce and big data. New professions are appearing, with new skills for which young people must be prepared. However, traditional training courses are far behind these innovations, lacking any link with companies to know their needs and the latest trends. This is exactly the approach taken by the founders of the Village de l’Emploi by choosing to surround themselves with partner companies, looking for talents to carry out their projects, and volunteers to get involved in the training of future laureates. It is a win-win system that has been put in place: young people who reorient themselves via the Employment Village towards IT professions, and companies which find junior profiles to integrate into their staff for a duration of 3 years. When the university provides theoretical knowledge and a diploma which confirms academic aptitude, the village organizes its training around concrete and practical modules, led by business professionals. The success of the formula is confirmed by the enthusiasm and career paths of the winners, as well as the number of constantly growing partner companies. Very closely linked with businesses, the village changes the content of its training courses according to new trends. For example, the field of big data has experienced great growth for the past 5 years, and partner companies have launched new modules to prepare young people for these high-profile jobs.
Employment village conditions: Training for IT and digital professions
Young people often have an appetite for digital or robotic universes, without having pursued studies in this field. They may not follow a very academic university course, such as history, biology or sociology, and yet have a predisposition for digital professions. It is also necessary that this be detected at some point in their school life or higher education, which is rarely the case, for lack of consideration of these subjects. However, the jobs of project management or project management, development, IT security or big data are very source of jobs. And they’re not just for computer science students, far from it. After an upgrade over 3 to 9 months, via very professional and succinct modules, the future laureates are sent to partner companies, where they are called upon to fill full positions. Far from the concept of work-study programs, where young people are not in a real position, the young people of the Village have a clear and defined mission, with objectives and evaluations, like all other employees. Their contract is moreover of the same nature.

Employment village conditions: Training for IT and digital professions
Young people often have an appetite for digital or robotic universes, without having pursued studies in this field. They may not follow a very academic university course, such as history, biology or sociology, and yet have a predisposition for digital professions.
It is also necessary that this be detected at some point in their school life or higher education, which is rarely the case, for lack of consideration of these subjects. However, the jobs of project management or project management, development, IT security or big data are very source of jobs. And they’re not just for computer science students, far from it. After an upgrade over 3 to 9 months, via very professional and succinct modules, the future laureates are sent to partner companies, where they are called upon to fill full positions. Far from the concept of work-study programs, where young people are not in a real position, the young people of the Village have a clear and defined mission, with objectives and evaluations, like all other employees. Their contract is moreover of the same nature.
Brilliant prospects: the Employment Village, the airlock to success
Beyond training and the opportunity to find a job, the Employment Village prepares people to lead great careers: former students who felt in a situation of failure find themselves in a constructive environment, where we count on them and where they are trusted. What to give a lot of energy, and psychologically stimulate young people who are eager to prove themselves. If the Employment Village assists its laureates in finding their job after their studies, it must be recognized that this is done without great difficulty, because the school today has a very good reputation, and that the profiles who come out are appreciated and even hunted. Some laureates decide to start their own company and stand on their own feet, and are most often successful. In addition, many laureates already have their CDI signed when they finish their course: this is the greatest publicity for the Village, and the greatest pride of its founders. In its 20 years of existence, the Conditions Employment Village has created an ecosystem allowing a second chance for students in difficulty, and opening to partner companies many trained and competent profiles: a success.
Un partenariat gagnant-gagnant💯 pour les jeunes et les entreprises
👏👏Les modules professionels et les partenariats du Village sont excellente initiative👏👏
Le Village de l’Emploi offre des solutions concrètes aux jeunes diplômés 🎓
Le Village de l’Emploi ofre une alternative précieuse aux formations universitaires traditioneles
Il est temps que les formations se mettent à jour avec les besoins du marché du travail
C’est une approche inclusive qui ouvre des portes à de nombreux jeunes🚪
C’est vrai, pourquoi les formations ne sont-elles pas plus adaptées à ce que recherchent les entreprises ?
L’initiative du village est intéressante, surtout si cela permet aux jeunes de trouver du travail plus facilement
C’est rassurant de voir des initiatives comme le Village de l’Emploi qui aident les jeunes à trouver des emploi 👏
Les formations doivent s’adapter aux besoins actuels du marché c’est une bonne chose que le village offre une alternative 😊
Il est temps que l’éducation suive le rythme des besoins du marché, et cette initiative semble y contribuer. ✈️
J’espère que cette approche aidera davantage de jeunes à trouver leur place sur le marché du travail
Les compétences numériques sont de plus en plus importantes mais l’éducation ne tient pas toujours compte de cela
La combinaison de formation pratique et de collaboration avec des entreprises semble être un bon moyen de préparer les jeunes au monde du travail🦉
C’est domage que l’éducation traditionelle ne soit pas sufisamment adaptée aux besoins des entreprises……. 🤷♂️
Les emplois dans le domaine du numérique sont en demand ☕c’est bien que le village puisse aider à combler ce besoin
Enfin une solution adaptée à l’écart entre les compétences des étudiants et les besoins des entreprise
Il y a tlmnt de jeunes qui pourraient bénéficier d’une formation au village de l’emploi
Il semble que le village de l’emploi soit vraiment en phase avec les besoins du marché, c’est super
C’est vraiment judicieux de s’aligner sur les nouvelles tendances du marché pour les formations
Le village de l’emploi semble vraiment aider à combler les pénuries d’emploi dans le domaine numérique
J’apprécie l’accent mis sur la requalification profesionelle rapide et profesionelle c’est crucial pour les jeunes. 🦌
😊Les formations concrètes et pratiques semblent vraiment bénéfiques pour les jeunes lauréats
vraiment intéressant de voir comment le village de l’emploi aide les jeunes à trouver leur place dans le monde du travail
Très intéressant ce concept de formation spécifique aux besoins des entreprises et des jeunes
Un système gagnant-gagnant pour les jeunes et les entreprises on devrait voir plus de ces initiatives